Black Coffee and Intermittent Fasting

Jan 26, 2024

Good morning… can you tell it’s Tuesday and it’s my only toddler free day? Well yes… I’m back but this time the coffee is black (no creamer). The bagel is being saved for lunch, which is a super bummer bc it was warm out of the oven and very tempting) but I am back to my intermittent fasting routine. Intermittent fasting plus plant based eating is how I define healthy eating for myself. Finding what worked for me, discovering how I define healthy eating took time, trial and error - which is exactly as it should for everyone. Especially if you have diabetes and you are learning how your body and your blood sugar respond to different food. Having spent The last 20 years in healthcare working with thousands of patients… I can tell you very emphatically people are different. What they like to eat, how they like to eat it, how their blood sugar responds to food, what their schedule is… Surprise, healthy eating is anything but a one size fits all. This is why at AnchorWell we want to help you find your shade of gray and help you discover + define what healthy eating looks like for you. For me IF + plant-based eating works… Because it makes me feel GREAT! I have more energy, I wake up refreshed, I don’t dip in the afternoon, needing caffeine or sugar to avoid a crash, I feel nourished, I am eating real food, I can keep up with my kids, with my daily demands, I feel great while exercising, truly in every way, I feel BETTER. So for these reasons and many, many more – this combo is what healthy eating looks like to me. Why am I sharing this with you?… Because I would love to help you find what healthy eating looks like for you! More on this to come later - so stay tuned. And yes… before you ask - you can safely do intermittent fasting with diabetes (even type 1). Just work with your provider for monitoring of blood sugars, reducing insulin, adjusting meds - I have worked alongside my patients very successfully with IF. So cheers (with my black coffee) ☕️