Stuck in a Low Slump....

Nov 06, 2023

This will be a quick post today... but I just wanted to reach out and connect. I also want to say that when you read this, you won't believe me ... but I dare you to just try it! If you are in a slump ... you have been busier, working more, binging too much Netflix, snacking on too much Halloween candy, or you have too many commitments to other people + not enough time to yourself ... whatever the reason (often it could just be a normal week and it is hard to find time) the quickest way to get out of the slump ... is to just start moving. Just start moving. Go do something. Walk for 15 minutes outside. Do a yoga class. Call a friend and meet them at the gym. I promise - just do something! For me today, I have had a very busy last few weeks, my energy was low, I have been getting in my 15 minutes a day (check out our Ebook to learn more) but they have not been high energy 15 minutes, they have been just enough to get by 15 minutes. Dinner was late, the baby was fussy, and all I wanted to do was skip my workout and take a shower. But.... instead, to get out of my mini-slump... I put on my workout gear, I turned into my peloton app and I did a strength training 20 minute work out. And guess what? I immediately felt better. I was proud of myself. I knew I had taken the first step to breaking the slump and that I would do even better tomorrow. And here, I promise this is where it sounds too good to be true.. but if you have no energy, and don't feel like moving, the quickest way to feel better... is to start moving. So go  - NOW! Try it!! Just get moving... if you wait until you feel like it, you will be stuck in the slump forever. But if you start now - you can transform your life + say goodbye to that slump!