The Blog

The scariest thing someone with diabetes can say...

The scariest thing someone with DM can say to me is that "I'm not worried, I have never had a problem with lows before."


Or… “It’s okay, I can always feel my lows.” Or… “I can talk when I am 25.”

Whatever it is you say… I have heard it....

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Insulin and Food Choices - part one

As always I like to emphasize that our first , foundational approach to treating diabetes, whether it be DM1 or DM2, is lifestyle. The most powerful tool you have to treat your diabetes is how you eat. And when we look at insulin – our food choices will impact our insulin needs. That...

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If you are like most people… and you want to start regularly exercising, or you have previously tried regularly exercising, or you spend a lot of time thinking and hoping about starting regular exercise… but you have never been successful, well then … this this blog is for...

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Anchors Aweigh... Ask Away!

Is diabetes the same for everybody?

What do you know about diabetes?

What health problems can diabetes cause?

What can I eat if I have diabetes?

How can I manage my diabetes better?

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Again... No Such Thing

I know we have already discussed this, but it really is such an important topic that it is worth mentioning twice.  There is no such thing as perfect with diabetes

One of the hardest conversations I have with patients is when I am trying to convince them that they are actually doing a...

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Healthy Food

A healthy diet must include not only a healthy mindset but also a healthy relationship with food.

I was recently talking to a client with diabetes, and we started discussing diet and healthy meal planning.  This woman was actually doing really great with her diet, and had been able to stop...

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Diabetes is Grey

One of the first things I tell people when meeting with them regarding diabetes:  Diabetes is Grey.  And man … is diabetes GREY!!!  There is absolutely no black and white with diabetes.  By that, I mean that diabetes does not follow any hard, steadfast rules.

You could...

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I have been working almost exclusively with patients with diabetes since 2012.  Every single day I see, treat, diagnose, prescribe for, and work with patients who have diabetes … and do you know what?  Every single day I LEARN NEW THINGS about diabetes. Honestly, I continually...

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